Discount Offer Online Course -The Ultimate Flask Course Free Download

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Certification Course The Ultimate Flask Course

The Ultimate Flaskful Course of study

Learn the fundamentals of the Flask theoretical account and its various extensions


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In this run, you will learn

  • How to build Python-founded web apps using Flask..
  • How to use some of the most fashionable Flask extensions to add together more power to your apps..
  • How to connect to and interact with a database in Flask using SQLite and SQLAlchemy..
  • How to deploy Flask apps to Heroku, Python Anywhere, and to a Linux host..

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Enrolment options

  • Course Material
  • Certificate on completion
  • 30 days Refund (repay policy)
  • Life-time Access
  • Instructor direct subject matter
  • Teacher Q&A


Discount Offer Online Course -The Ultimate Flask Course Free Download

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